
Donate to the Commando Welfare Trust Today

Donations to the Commando Welfare Trust are the most direct way you can support Australian soldiers, veterans and family members dealing with the daily challenges created by war. 

Your donations help us cut through the red tape and provide critical support where the services available cannot.

The Commando Welfare Trust is a registered charity with tax-deductible donations, with 100 per cent of the funds going to our beneficiaries. Your support helps us provide essential assistance to those who have served our country with courage and dedication. 

Join us in making a difference in the lives of our brave members of Australian Special Operations and their families. Thank you for your generosity.

How else you can donate

EFT Direct Deposit

Donations can be made via direct deposit using the following bank details.

Commando Welfare Trust
Commonwealth Bank
BSB 062 000
A/C No. 1389 8012

Offline Donations & Cheques

If you would prefer to donate offline simply download and complete the form below and send it to us at the address on the form;

Make a Request

If you would like information about how to make a gift to the Commando Welfare Trust in your will please click here


For information about the Commando Welfare Trust contact the Trust Executive Officer;

Paul Dunbavin